Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ohio 2007

Oops! The trip was not uneventful, but I got to Ohio and back in one piece.

My alma mater!

Beautiful stained glass at Slocum Hall.

The former Slocum library, now reading room.

The infamous 2-headed calf at the zoo. museum.

The new science center

I used to be a CAHkid

before I defected to the Tree House. Oh, those was the dayz!

The student observatory, used to be in my backyard (when I was living in the Treehouse)

Mark, in their new house in Cinci.

Pistol Pete

At the McDermott's

The incredibly cute kitty Nomi that bit everything that moved.

1 comment:

Bobbi Reichtell said...

Hi Vinod -
I was thinking about you and wondered what you were up to so I checked your blog. (Mark just started one too!) Great photos but too bad most of the birds are dead. Thanks for including a photo of our last family dinner together. Sorry Nomi bit you so much. Katie moved in with Pete but the cat stayed with us. Take care.
