Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring in New Haven

Confucius towers, Chinatown.


Grand central

May Day with Howard Zinn

Wooster Square Cherry Blossom season, and yes I live half a block away from the park.


Birding in East Rock Park

A turkey vulture, commonly known as buzzard

Black-and-white Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Black-throated Green Warbler

Scarlet Tanager


Baltimore Oriole

Wood Duck

Skunk Cabbage

Hammonnasset state park
nice size comparison, eh?

Howard Dean addressing YPU. What a lacklustre speech. terribly disappointing

Payday dinner with the Powell/Prum Lab hustlaz!

Aren't they cute?? Piping plovers at Milford Point

Aren't they cute?? Piping plovers at Milford Point

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Selling Indulgences: Carbon Offsets are a Greenwash, if there ever was one!

I stoutly refuse to support Carbon offsets (Carbon Neutral). It is just a convenient way for capitalist Western leaders and enterprising greenwash outfits to endorse and condone the unsustainable decadent extravagant livestyle of the Hummer-driving, McDonald loving, callous rrrepublican soccer moms living in suburban gingerbread box homes, all the while proclaiming that all is being done to salvage the situation. Do you seriously believe that they will not plant trees in India/Indonesia if you haven't intervened through a carbon neutral company to plant trees. there. At the end of the day, all the trees that you plant and all the solar panels you install in the formerly plundered countries would hardly matter, in relation to counter the Western consumption.

The problem should be addressed at the root, not its symptoms. Whatever happened to the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle)? If the NO IMPACT MAN can do IT in New York, so can we!

Read what Monbiot has to say on Carbon offsets trading:


The trade in carbon offsets is an excuse for business as usual

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 18th October 2006

Zanzibar, un deja vu!

Spice invaders

Everyone who visits Zanzibar - the island with the most poetic name in the world - wants to be the only person there. Trouble is that more and more of us are going, says Ed Vulliamy

The Guardian, Saturday May 12 2007.

Door to the past .. Zanzibar's famous white sands. Photograph: Remi Benali/Corbis

My adventures in Jambiani Beach, Zanzibar:

I support the War on Embarassment

To fry the smallest fish

A recent case suggests that the war on terror has been superseded by the war on embarrassment

Duncan Campbell
Saturday May 12, 2007
The Guardian

A man accused of blowing up an airliner and killing 73 people, who has already admitted to bombing hotels with fatal consequences and who has a conviction for a failed assassination attempt on a head of state, was freed on a technicality in a Texas court this week, and can look forward to a quiet retirement in Florida.,,2078058,00.html